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Sick and Annual Leave
The calulator below will tell you how many months and days that your sick leave can add to your time in service.
Sick leave cannot push you over the finish line for retirment purposes but it will add to your total time in service once you meet the requirements
Only full months will be added to your time, leftover days and hours can be burned
Annual leave is paid out based on your hourly rate
Sick Leave: 0 months and 0 days
Annual Leave Gross: $0
Annual Leave Net (25% tax used): $0
Retirement System
On your LES under Deductions – RETIRE FERS……….K, KF, etc
This will tell you what FERS system you fall into, most people will have a K for Regular FERS employee
Code Explanation: N/A
What Life insurance do you carry at work?
Code Explanation: N/A
How much will you pay per month in retirement?
Basic Coverage: $0
Standard Option: $0
Additional Option: $0
Family Option: $0
Total Monthly Cost: $0